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Music Biz Law School Course Final Paper
I want to interview Jon for a paper I am writing for my final paper for my Music Business & Legal Affairs law school course. The course focuses a lot on record label contracts and the horrible things that they try to trick artists into signing. I want to write about Jon's experiences fighting his way out of his deal and getting into a better one.
Jon, if you ever read this, email me at rolevine@quinnipiac.edu
Lemme give the kids just a little help, tell em money is not the key to wealth.
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I want to interview Jon for a paper I am writing for my final paper for my Music Business & Legal Affairs law school course. The course focuses a lot on record label contracts and the horrible things that they try to trick artists into signing. I want to write about Jon's experiences fighting his way out of his deal and getting into a better one.
Jon, if you ever read this, email me at rolevine@quinnipiac.edu
@ROL4300 praying you get through, would be a dope interview, be sick if you release it too so we could see
so busy with the fam hes talkin of doing only one show this year but never know what the future holds
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby