Hey y'all! Who has Jon inspired tattoos and what are they? I have Run Wild tattooed inside my left arm.
It reminds me to always stay true to myself and live life authentically instead of seeking validation from external sources. It also reminds me of the people who helped teach me that important lesson, Jon Bellion and his music included.️
Hey y'all! Who has Jon inspired tattoos and what are they? I have Run Wild tattooed inside my left arm.
It reminds me to always stay true to myself and live life authentically instead of seeking validation from external sources. It also reminds me of the people who helped teach me that important lesson, Jon Bellion and his music included.️
@TheMoneyHoney yo I have a beautiful mind tattoo! It’s an astronaut floating in space with butterflies. With small script that says beautiful mind. Probably my favorite tattoo!!
Omg other Jon tattoos!! I’ve got beautiful mind on my right rib! 100% my fave keeps me reminded that everything is about mindset and how you let your mind view things!xx