There was this kid who i would play basketball ball with occasionally with during middle school (I'm 21 for reference) and we got talking about music and he was asking me if I ever heard of these couple artist and he mentioned Kid Quil, Jon Bellion, and Quinn XCII, so when we got back inside from break I started at the beginning with jon this had to be like 2016 so the human condition was out, I fell in love with his style and listened to everything he ever produced from there on out. I was like a kid strung out on coke, the music was captivating, I would dance in my room when I got home from school. Fast forward a few years to my junior year of high-school GSP came out and my Grandpa surprised me with tickets for my 16th birthday and took me to see him in Royal Oak Michigan. That was the most magical concert of my fricken life, let alone my first concert ever. Anyway, Jon if you read this, Invited you to my wedding back in September, I wish you could've made it, I am incredibly proud of how far you've come and I'm so happy to see how God's worked in your life that you make public!
@Mcarson03 new stuff boutta GO
@pollocam wait till the new shit!!!!
@User12261990 I can’t wait to hear it!!!
check out my post in mems! -
Randomly through All Time Low and convinced my now husband to go to a concert with me even though he didn’t know any of the music at the time. I went from listening to All Time Low a lot to binging the entire discography in days. Happy to be here!
@Mcarson03 new stuff boutta GO
@User12261990 you are an inspiration my man, thankyou for existing
- Mitch
Listening to Michael Jackson (human nature) on YouTube
Right side panel had human by jon bellion thought it was a cover song after that. never skipped a beat! -
Haha! It’s funny but i actually discovered him by trying to make a crush like me back. He liked one song from Jon Bellion and I decided to listen to that song so we could have something to talk about and this was in 2015. Apparently I was gonna fall in love with his songs
Found Jon when the Human Condition released and the popularity it saw. Have loved him since - listened to his discography front to back and there are really no misses for me. Seen him in concert 3 times and would love to see him again someday. He’s been top 5 on my Spotify wrapped since I discovered him, which for not having any new albums for quite a few years is pretty impressive
Definition, believe it or not??? I had one childhood friend who listened to him and I ended up WAY farther into this rabbit hole than he did, even 8 years later now. My dream has always been to be a musician, even as I graduate with a degree in architecture this year (Jon if u need a set designer lmk), and I always thought the acoustic videos were the coolest thing. Plot twist, I still watch them constantly and have started producing my own shit on Logic now. I remember when Lawrence was announced and Beautiful Mind came out nearly pissing my pants at the dream of getting to even talk w him and see how his mind works on the production side
my boyfriend my freshman year of high school sent me one of his songs and said it reminded him of me. i literally listened to it on repeat for daysss and obsessed over his whole discography. haven't talked to that guy in years but thankful to him for introducing me to jon lmao
In the year 2016, i guess when all time low was a huge hit.. I remember being in the car with my uncle taking us back to our place and my siblings in the back with the radio on 93.7FM, and all time low starts playing. I never heard anything like it, and as soon as I got back home, I went thru Jon’s whole discography. Damn near 10 years later and never looked back!
I was wandering in youtube back in 2018, I was in 6th grade at the time, I came across one of those "Top 50 songs of the decade" type of videos and All Time Low showed up eventually. I remember finding it oddly familar so I googled to know who was the guy. After that day, ATL was pretty much all I listened to for the next like 2 months lmao. After that is where the story really begins but that was the kick off for me. The biggest butterfly effect of my life haha
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
I had an former girlfriend show me Jon's music way back in the day. Listen to his music and fell in love. We then went to a concert in San diego and I could not explain how much passion I saw when doing his show. Made me felt like this person really loves what he is doing no matter what and the lyrics connected with me on a deeper level. I hope you see this Jon, keep it going and can't wait to see what you and your people have bene cooking.
YouTube - Dead Man Walking. Still my favorite JB song. Very lucky to have seen him live twice in MCR UK.
I discovered Jon through Youtube in 2013, I believe. Back then I was teaching myself Photoshop and doing "speedarts" on Youtube. There used to be a really big community of designers. We even founded small collectives and created teams working together on collabs and first small client projects. Some of them were directly linked to CoD/gaming clans like Faze, Soar, ... creating their Youtube banners and intros for their trickshot compilations. A good friend of mine I got to know through this community used one of Jon's songs in his speedart. It was "When the lions come" and I immediatly fell in love with Jon's music. Never stopped listening – he and another Jon (EDEN) have been my most listend to artists ever since!
I was watching a Countryhumans MV compilation in 2021. One of them had The Good in Me and I couldn't stop listening to it. Then I found his other tracks and got hooked.
Key terms
Countryhumans - Physical and digital media surrounding the human forms of real world nations
MV - Abbreviated term for Music Video -
I was watching one of the YouTube channels i loved back in the day (Jenna marbles) n they spoke about the song guillotine n from the first time I heard the song I was hooked n went down the rabbit hole of his songs
During college I was napping one afternoon with my door open and I woke up to music coming from down the hall. One of my hall mate's door was open and he had his Spotify on shuffle. He must have been in the restroom or something because no one was in the room. The song that was playing was 'Luxury'. I couldn't believe it. I looked at the artist and immediately went back to my room and YouTube'd Jon and the rest of the night binged all the 'making of' videos. Been a fan from first listen.
Making Music as TheMorningShadows
I heard guillotine and all time low on a spotify playlist then binge listened to all of the human condition, and followed along with each GSP single drop until the album... I remember screaming in my car listening to stupid deep for the first time because I loved it and connected with it immediately