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- Thank you Jon.
Thank you Jon.
Thank you Mr. Jon for everything. I could go on and on about how your music got me through so much. I’ll try and keep it simple, though. I have been listening to you since I was very young before “all time low”, and all your other hits. To see you grow and continue to soar has been nothing short of a gift. I found you when I was about 12-13 and was addicted to your creativity ever since. Your music took me to a place not many other artists can. Mr. Bellion, you truly are the definition of a beautiful mind. Continue to grow, change, LEARN, and let life and God take you to places only He can. I will support and appreciate the art and magic you create until I can’t anymore. Wish I could see you live and just have a conversation with you. Thanks times a million for blessing me with your gifts. Beautiful mind beautiful mind beautiful mind.
I don’t wanna start my own topic if one like this exists but I have to agree, thank you Jon. This is awesome. The ripple you leave on this planet is larger than you can imagine and by not chasing fame and fortune you are changing the world, you are one of very few people who lead this. I am so excited for more music with your name as the artist on it. I wish you well and cannot wait to see what our future has in store for us all.