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Old song LONDON
wrote 4 days ago last edited by FrankieFeelsIt 4 days ago
This old song feature just randomly crossed my mind, I figured i'd share it because there's probably someone who's never heard it.
I wonder if Jon has any cool stories about this one.
wrote 4 days ago last edited by
This is the most Definition-sounding non Definition song I’ve ever heard haha
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
This old song feature just randomly crossed my mind, I figured i'd share it because there's probably someone who's never heard it.
I wonder if Jon has any cool stories about this one.
wrote 4 days ago last edited by@FrankieFeelsIt I didn’t know that he worked with neon hitch. What year did this song come out?
@FrankieFeelsIt I didn’t know that he worked with neon hitch. What year did this song come out?
This is the most Definition-sounding non Definition song I’ve ever heard haha
wrote 4 days ago last edited by
There's some wobbles (@Isaac) on this that scratch my brain. I like this!
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
@LuvJB85 I have no idea when this came out...
wrote 4 days ago last edited by@FrankieFeelsIt it’s ok . The video of this song said 2016 but it sounds older than that though.
This old song feature just randomly crossed my mind, I figured i'd share it because there's probably someone who's never heard it.
I wonder if Jon has any cool stories about this one.
wrote 3 days ago last edited by@FrankieFeelsIt And to think I've heard every one of Jon's songs here we are again with something new lol
This old song feature just randomly crossed my mind, I figured i'd share it because there's probably someone who's never heard it.
I wonder if Jon has any cool stories about this one.
wrote 3 days ago last edited by@FrankieFeelsIt HA that song feels like a total fever dream
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@FrankieFeelsIt HA that song feels like a total fever dream
wrote 3 days ago last edited by@enzomayworm exactly dude i used to listen to this in 2017