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- Question, how should I listen to the new album
Question, how should I listen to the new album
When album gets released this will be an hour locked away, no phone, no distractions with headphones on and the volume UP. Cannot wait !!!
Iceland, probably ¯_(ツ)_/¯
But fr, good question!
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
As the title says, how should I listen to the new album. With music I like to take the proper time and find the proper place to listen to it. So my question what do we think the best place to listen to the album (I live in NZ Christchurch) For example the Milky Chance on the beach, then The Lumineers album on a hike, hopefully u understand what I mean by the question. Open for suggestions down for anything, maybe just a drive or a walk around the city. Again absolutely anything.
@User12261990 would love a response outta u if ur around.
@LukeGibson I always thought about that question, what i'll probably do is lock myself on my room on complete darkness and just let the music flow. I want to experience the whole vibe Jon intended to each track so i'm putting myself under the most neutral situation so the only influence i get is the sonic experience itself.
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
Honestly I used to toy with this question all the time but for me I've found just being able to set aside an hour of your time to be present and really immerse yourself in the music without distraction is all you need. Whatever feels right homie
@MattyCleavy yeh i feel that, i always found myself being present more when im out somewhere by myself, i think if the Vinyl comes out on the day i might just throw in the option of listening via the vinyl
When album gets released this will be an hour locked away, no phone, no distractions with headphones on and the volume UP. Cannot wait !!!
@NowLetsBegin can never go wrong with that
Iceland, probably ¯_(ツ)_/¯
But fr, good question!
@LukeGibson I always thought about that question, what i'll probably do is lock myself on my room on complete darkness and just let the music flow. I want to experience the whole vibe Jon intended to each track so i'm putting myself under the most neutral situation so the only influence i get is the sonic experience itself.
@enzomayworm can never go wrong with that, i was thinking doing a hike thats like 4hrs long and starting from the beginning of Jon discog
As the title says, how should I listen to the new album. With music I like to take the proper time and find the proper place to listen to it. So my question what do we think the best place to listen to the album (I live in NZ Christchurch) For example the Milky Chance on the beach, then The Lumineers album on a hike, hopefully u understand what I mean by the question. Open for suggestions down for anything, maybe just a drive or a walk around the city. Again absolutely anything.
@User12261990 would love a response outta u if ur around.
@enzomayworm can never go wrong with that, i was thinking doing a hike thats like 4hrs long and starting from the beginning of Jon discog
@LukeGibson dude that is actually a good plan!
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@enzomayworm can never go wrong with that, i was thinking doing a hike thats like 4hrs long and starting from the beginning of Jon discog
@LukeGibson that's an amazing idea, might do that too, or go kayaking
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
@LukeGibson dude that is actually a good plan!
@enzomayworm yeh thats the go for now
@LukeGibson on repeat