What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Music Video?
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
@BeautifulMind Ungrateful Eyes has always been one of my favorites, first time I heard any of his stuff and just the sole scene of him washing ashore, i imagine the mobster looking fellas as Beautiful Mind being "you better be grateful mf, YOU GONNA LEARN TODAY!" like its such a fun and goofy MV for such a lyrically personal song for him at that stage of his career.
I know the demons in the room gon say its more than I can chew,
but now all I hear is the dinner bell! -
How many spiders do you have, and how are you distributing them??
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
It's not a music video per say, but Postpartum Depression, the snippet have such a raw feeling to it. Seeing Jon just vibing and feeling the beat.
I think stupid deep.
I've not really watched alot of his videos but stupid deep is my best so far -
the not new one but one he hasnt released yet..
beautiful mind
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
@BeautifulMind not a music video but the whole cove city live session is my favourite. Also LUXURY.
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
@BeautifulMind Does tangled webs count?
Stupid deep, I have seen others (kid again
️) more times.. Even the acoustic videos are so special to me, But stupid deep with the suit and the lore hint is still my favorite
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴
Thank god someone already got the spider gifted to them. I say the new one
The island is long but life is short in this town
@BeautifulMind Does tangled webs count?
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
@BeautifulMind my basic answer is stupid deep cuz holy shit the color palettes and overall aesthetic of it is so unique but i woul also say young gun which is basically a jon song because that backdrop is just so good
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
First person to say the new one (and your name isn't Bellion or Beautiful Mind) is getting a spider in their bedroom.
@BeautifulMind screwwww your pops let’s get some ihop
@BeautifulMind screwwww your pops let’s get some ihop