Hey Jon,
I don't know if you're gonna read this, but I wanted a chance to say thank you. Words cannot possibly describe all the good you've brought into my life. In every possible area, you've been a conduit for God's grace. As a musician, you've guided my tastes and beliefs about what it means to make music. I've been following since THC, but I became a superfan real quick. I became obsessed with all your shit back into your college days, constantly searching for more making of footage and old tracks that you probably didn't want anyone to hear anymore haha. I know this sounds extreme, and I'm not putting you on a pedestal, but I don't know where I would be in life without you. The confidence you've helped me have in myself and the dreams I've had from such a young age goes beyond words. It's insane to live in an time where someone with MJ level music commandment is so present and caring for his fans and every step of the music process. Seeing the clip of you and Pharrell in the studio, and hearing timbo on TORI, not only makes me fucking shit my pants everywhere for me, but also knowing where you've come from and having studied so many old beats and songs from your early days that are straight up "timbaland and/or pharrell type beats" makes me so full of joy and gratitude for you. You deserve every bit of success that you've had. Words aren't enough. My mom died back in 2019. She came with me to boston from NB Canada for the GSP tour. Our relationship was really rocky for a lot of my life. We barely talked for years. That trip to see you brought us together so much and gave us an opportunity to bond and heal before she passed shortly after. Thank you for inspiring me every single day since I found your music in high school, thank you for bringing my mum such joy before she passed, thank you for everything you're going to do moving forward. God bless you and your family and have a great year. I hope this album rollout is everything you want and more. Take care homie. I'll see you when I see you. (ps. lawrence is FUCKING AMAZING. and thank you for supercharging the Jo Bros for The Album xD)