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What you guys do for a living?
Kinda curious on what everyone does for a living besides listening to Jon all day lol. I’ll go first. I’m an auto body technician so all I do is fix cars for 10 hours a day. Enjoy the work but hate the system and environment. I also buy and fix cars to flip them.
Jesus was instrumental…In blessing my mental. Every time I drove a car coulda twisted the metal
I’m a hairstylist!
I teach guitar privately and make musiccccc
I'm in digital marketing right now and teaching myself music production on the side. Hoping I can move to producing full-time eventually!
I do al the physics/biology/chemistry experiments at a high school. I only teach the first 2 years since teaching 3 classes to 6 years worth of students is impossible. Very very fun job and it keeps you young too! Also it helps I don't teach in america so no big danger of school shootings
I think I'm headed in the right direction
I'm currently a Psychology major in college. I'm about to graduate though and I have no idea where to go to next with a Bachelors degree. No one like Bachelors degrees anymore, it's all about Masters.
Civil Engineer, I design power lines!
Kinda curious on what everyone does for a living besides listening to Jon all day lol. I’ll go first. I’m an auto body technician so all I do is fix cars for 10 hours a day. Enjoy the work but hate the system and environment. I also buy and fix cars to flip them.
@italian-stallion audio engineer, music producer, DJ
Kinda curious on what everyone does for a living besides listening to Jon all day lol. I’ll go first. I’m an auto body technician so all I do is fix cars for 10 hours a day. Enjoy the work but hate the system and environment. I also buy and fix cars to flip them.
@italian-stallion Electrical Engineering, work designing routing for electrical wiring using 3D design (AutoCad). In highschool I use to work as mechanic and we also use to bump Jon's music on the shops speakers lol