@User12261990 we know youre cooking in the studio right now. Be sure to hit us up with the behind the scenes vids cuz i live off of those
I haven't even picked out my socks, how could I tell you bout my future?
Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
@User12261990 Dying of thirst. Can't wait for this album, and biebers too. God bless you Jon. You duh man.
Figure that it's not too late to become a jon bellion fan lol here for whatever's about to happen. Sorry im late
Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
@User12261990 said in LOADING
Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
My 27th birthday is 3/7 -- maybe we can push this out early? If not, no worries... I'll wait with love. Mad respect either way.
@user03071998 I’ll be 35 on 3/7 haha… 🫡
I was 24, now I'm turning 30. What is a few more days, weeks, months? Please don't let me turn 31 before the magic
I was 24, now I'm turning 30. What is a few more days, weeks, months? Please don't let me turn 31 before the magic
Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
@User12261990 how could you massacre kid again like that.
Just had a dream last night that the album dropped and I was so happy. There was only like 4 songs on it for some reason but they all slapped. Then I woke up
Jesus was instrumental…In blessing my mental. Every time I drove a car coulda twisted the metal
Dear Jon,
Brother. Your like a an Imaginary friend that I was unable to outgrow from child hood, except you are so real. And i feel your realness when i hear your music.
If there is someone that has been through all the faces of my life has been my imaginary friend Jon. When I had my first breakup I went to you and iRobot spoke to me when I had no one.
When I was happy and had no one to share it with you sang me Deadman Walking and put a Smile on my face.
When I aspired to be someone and life many times over and reached some type of accomplishment like I did recently you reminded me of my Beginnings and sang me JT.
Life has been a joy ride together, and while im the one the knows the impact youve had on me I hope to one day tell you about it and share with you the fascinating connection your music has had in my life and that it will continue to have.
From Catch me if you can & Scattered Thoughts Vol. 1
Literally everything else that came after I knew that my imaginary best friend will always have my back and will always know what to say.
Even in my darkest hours today your message through MaybeIDK IS ALWAYS there for me and i am forever thankful @User12261990I pray that you are safe and well. And I am finally old enough to see you in person without mom and pops permission hehehehe. Much love @User12261990
Dear Jon,
Brother. Your like a an Imaginary friend that I was unable to outgrow from child hood, except you are so real. And i feel your realness when i hear your music.
If there is someone that has been through all the faces of my life has been my imaginary friend Jon. When I had my first breakup I went to you and iRobot spoke to me when I had no one.
When I was happy and had no one to share it with you sang me Deadman Walking and put a Smile on my face.
When I aspired to be someone and life many times over and reached some type of accomplishment like I did recently you reminded me of my Beginnings and sang me JT.
Life has been a joy ride together, and while im the one the knows the impact youve had on me I hope to one day tell you about it and share with you the fascinating connection your music has had in my life and that it will continue to have.
From Catch me if you can & Scattered Thoughts Vol. 1
Literally everything else that came after I knew that my imaginary best friend will always have my back and will always know what to say.
Even in my darkest hours today your message through MaybeIDK IS ALWAYS there for me and i am forever thankful @User12261990I pray that you are safe and well. And I am finally old enough to see you in person without mom and pops permission hehehehe. Much love @User12261990
Thank you for being so patient these years.
Hang tight.
@User12261990 do we need to get Tuami to supply you with a face lift my guy? We starving over here!
In my beautiful mind, is a recipe, check your set degrees before you check for me, freezing cold electively
Electrically fire on the ground as i rest in peace
The Memory of Testing the limits of what your Yes can B
-Gambit tha Aternal -
@ChapsJH It was a figment of our imagination lmao
@GabbyW0205 if thats ends up being the case i wanna know who's responsible for the bark
My 27th birthday is 3/7 -- maybe we can push this out early? If not, no worries... I'll wait with love. Mad respect either way.
@user03071998 there’s a possibility chance that it could be this week on the 7th or this Friday but I’m just guessing
An interview with Jon I’m watching again. Go to the 9:00 mark on the video. Full circle
https://youtu.be/3YMDPyAVX3o?si=YsK6zAHciWv8tEz_Jesus was instrumental…In blessing my mental. Every time I drove a car coulda twisted the metal