How losing Kid Again feels right now....
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Oh it's fine it's not like I streamed Kid Again 420+ times in 2024 and 100+ times this year.
It wasn't on my daily rotation and definitely wasn't in my gym playlist.
It 100% is not in my top 5 Jon songs of all time.
I am doing so okayyyyyyy! Not about to crash out whatsoever.....
@User12261990SEND HELP.
The island is long but life is short in this town
The past day and a half, I’ve been grumpily saying to myself “wtf am I supposed to do, Jon, sing it to myself?!”
And then I sing it to myself, wearily…Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Why is it gone?? What did I miss?!
Why is it gone?? What did I miss?!