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How did you discover Jon?
I'm sure this has already been posted before, but I am really curious how everyone came to be fans of Jon!
My sister showed me Blu, Luxury, and Stupid Deep and it was all over. She had learned about it from a cute boy she ended up marrying so my brother in law is the reason my entire family loves this music.
My parents were fully swayed when we were watching the Virtual concert and they saw how much passion and love Jon had for every single moment of the music.
I am just so interested how everyone got here with our BOI
luxury chorus trumpets
i found his music from a FaZe outro. bout 10 years later here we are lol.
beautiful mind
i found his music from a FaZe outro. bout 10 years later here we are lol.
@GabbyW0205 I looked up JB and FaZe and found a whole Reddit post about it! I've never heard of FaZe but it sounds like it's a great place to fall in love with Jon Bellion tracks
luxury chorus trumpets
@GabbyW0205 I looked up JB and FaZe and found a whole Reddit post about it! I've never heard of FaZe but it sounds like it's a great place to fall in love with Jon Bellion tracks
That's really nice, love that
A few summers ago I needed new music to work to (I'd already listened thru like all my old playlists multiple times lol) and I'd heard of Jon thru some friends but never listened on my own. I remember starting with human condition, then the rest of that summer I was bumpin JB nonstop (and still been goin strong since then)!!
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That's really nice, love that
A few summers ago I needed new music to work to (I'd already listened thru like all my old playlists multiple times lol) and I'd heard of Jon thru some friends but never listened on my own. I remember starting with human condition, then the rest of that summer I was bumpin JB nonstop (and still been goin strong since then)!!
@heisthesame I love that! I also love your sign off. Greatness from small beginnings... makes me wanna explore the jungle or something for some reason
luxury chorus trumpets
I'm sure this has already been posted before, but I am really curious how everyone came to be fans of Jon!
My sister showed me Blu, Luxury, and Stupid Deep and it was all over. She had learned about it from a cute boy she ended up marrying so my brother in law is the reason my entire family loves this music.
My parents were fully swayed when we were watching the Virtual concert and they saw how much passion and love Jon had for every single moment of the music.
I am just so interested how everyone got here with our BOI
@fallingmiraculou I discovered Jon on iTunes back in 2015 when I saw his album art it caught my eye/ attention so I listened to it and fell in love with the THC album. And ever since then I’ve been in love with his music ever since then. 🩵
Ngl in 2018/19 I got into gasp AJR (people on the Reddit page hate them cuz they think they’re a rip-off of Jon but they need to get over themselves), and I was looking for similar music, fell in love, and have consumed every drop of music and media I could find of his. I’m very glad that he’s coming out with more and I can experience it as it’s coming out, instead of having missed the rollout/tour
Found him in 2014 by hearing Jungle in a friend's car. Fell in love, game over. Fav artist of all time. Saw him in Chicago 2x (1 x definition tour, 1 x THC tour) then St. Louis 1x. Met him on a VIP in Chicago. But nothing tops the 300ish people in a basement bar in Chicago for the definition tour. I'll never forget that concert for the rest of my life.
The fashion of Jimi Hendrix and a box of the Bible's doctrine
I will never forget. It was 2018, I was playing Minecraft on my Xbox one and I had Spotify on shuffle, and then Blu came on. Been in love ever since.
@joelito yooo similar story. I had Blu come on to my discover weekly on Spotify and it was the only JB song I'd listen to for the longest time, before I finally got around to listening to The Human Condition
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
It was August 2016. I started my first year of college and was driving with one of my friends who was a fan of Jon but didn’t know they played All Time Low on the radio so he was shocked to hear it. I’ve heard the song on the radio prior to this but didn’t know who the artist was I just liked the song. After the car drive my friend showed me more of Jon’s songs and I’ve been a fan ever since! Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to his concert in 2016, but I did go in 2018 and it was my first concert!
@heisthesame I love that! I also love your sign off. Greatness from small beginnings... makes me wanna explore the jungle or something for some reason
@fallingmiraculou it's funny you say that...I'm in the jungle on an adventure chasing some long-lost treasure rn lol (fr tho they're some of the greatest games ever, I'm working thru Lost Legacy rn actually!)
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