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I’m going to bed maybe it’s a different Friday or best case I wake up with amazing news
hey, what counter are y'all talking about? i dont see one
@Derrian-Berry he kept hinting at something going down on a Friday, doesn't seem like today so guess gotta wait till maybe next Friday haha
"You're whole life's in the Hand of God"
I’m going to bed maybe it’s a different Friday or best case I wake up with amazing news
Lorrrrrrd… an all-nighter?!
@OverwhelmMe Lowkey might just do that
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
and the counter starts over
(ORRRRR 12:52 west coast time?
@Derrian-Berry he kept hinting at something going down on a Friday, doesn't seem like today so guess gotta wait till maybe next Friday haha
@jake.meredith_ if anything it’s an announcement of the album with then weekly releases following.
That’s how it happened with GSP, the announcement happened on a Wednesday during the day, we got nothing that subsequent Friday, then Conversations dropped the following week.
I’d assume when it starts it’ll follow this sort of rollout form.
@jake.meredith_ if anything it’s an announcement of the album with then weekly releases following.
That’s how it happened with GSP, the announcement happened on a Wednesday during the day, we got nothing that subsequent Friday, then Conversations dropped the following week.
I’d assume when it starts it’ll follow this sort of rollout form.
@danpurcell I also don’t think he’d just remove Kid Again from streaming if he wasn’t at least announcing something soon
@jake.meredith_ if anything it’s an announcement of the album with then weekly releases following.
That’s how it happened with GSP, the announcement happened on a Wednesday during the day, we got nothing that subsequent Friday, then Conversations dropped the following week.
I’d assume when it starts it’ll follow this sort of rollout form.
@danpurcell im so interested to see how he does it.
@GabbyW0205 I would also imagine since he said we’d “get everything here first” there’s a chance whatever new song it is might show up on here at some point officially before it hits streaming