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fall into your blue
in 2015 when i was in college, i was a resident assistant who lived on the floor. one of my residents sat on my futon and played Simple & Sweet for me. from there, i listened to it on repeat probably 200 times. has a great loop honestly, and i was hooked
(but if things get complicated, don't worry we gon take it slow)
missed an opportunity to Jon live because i had to friggin work. begged a friend to record Hand of God for me
(tears at a funeral, tears at a funeral, i might break)
in 2018 was working as a counselor for kids with various problems. teaching anger management skills and self soothing skills and confidence and all that. incredibly lonely job and had to drive miles and miles between their houses. Glory Sound Prep on repeat
(now let's begin)
got my heart totally broken by my best friend, on the ride home alone from pride in the Uber in 2019 they were playing Good Things Fall Apart (still have the snapchat! lol)
(whatever it is, i'm sorry)
excited to be a Kid Again, excited for you, excited for whatever's next. mostly just saying thank you and i can't fucking wait!
(what happened to your light?)