Many others have expressed similar sentiments. But I’d like to share mine. I found your stuff in early 2017. Since that year you’ve been my favorite artist of all time. I found and dated my wife listening to your stuff. I got married and listened for 6.5 years of marriage to it. I then went through a divorce about 6 months ago, the darkest time of my life. During that time, you dropped “Kid Again”, which was, coincidentally, a day before my birthday. It felt like the best birthday present I could’ve received. And lifted my spirits a lot. That was the darkest era of my life and your music did more to get me through it than I can possibly express.
I speak for myself, and everyone here, when I say we’re so glad you got out from underneath that bad record deal. And can do what you love. There are more people that appreciate and respect you than you could possibly count.
Thanks Jon. For the music that shaped much of my life. And for the messages contained, that motivate and drive many of us.