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My theory: unhinged and starving version
@FrankieFeelsIt you are in fact cooked but aren't we all
@catkeleghan exactly. i’m gonna be cooked no matter what, might as well be cooked but listening to new music
@catkeleghan we might have to go around a couple more times
I’m expecting a single Friday
today is a stretch cat lmao the day is basically over
i'm very, very New York, be very, very aware
today is a stretch cat lmao the day is basically over
today is a stretch cat lmao the day is basically over
@carolynashley 6pm-9pm vibes or at midnight. why would he waste dayssss of lost kid again streaming revenue ya know? IDK MAYBE IM DELUSIONAL
The island is long but life is short in this town
Also just saying that this pattern follows the exact pattern as the GSP release. He released 3 singles, 3 weeks in a row, then the album the 4th week...
The island is long but life is short in this town
We get a new single today.
Another single next Wednesday 3/5
Another single Wednesday 3/12
We get the album Wednesday 3/19IDK IDK my brain cannot slow down.
@catkeleghan well he did say that we're getting it here before any other plataform but i'm not sure how'd that work. Maybe only the album will come out on the streaming plataforms and all the singles will happen through the forum. I really have no idea but your theory makes a lot of sense! hopping that is what happens
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@aidanthomas_15 aidan how long are we supposed to sit at the top of the ski lift my guy
@catkeleghan I mean, it took us 6 years to get to the top; we can take some time to admire the view, no biggie.
We get a new single today.
Another single next Wednesday 3/5
Another single Wednesday 3/12
We get the album Wednesday 3/19IDK IDK my brain cannot slow down.
@catkeleghan March 19th isnt unhinged at all. look at the Kid Again single duration!!!
@catkeleghan March 19th isnt unhinged at all. look at the Kid Again single duration!!!
@JotchE NO WAY
J JotchE referenced this topic
We get a new single today.
Another single next Wednesday 3/5
Another single Wednesday 3/12
We get the album Wednesday 3/19IDK IDK my brain cannot slow down.
@catkeleghan I still think it will be march 7th on a Friday but hey I could be wrong.