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Let's try this again ... Hello Everyone
I was trying to post this on the last version of the forum but I couldn't so here we go again.
I've been listening to Jon for almost 10 years now. I am such a big fan and a huge support of the Beautiful Minds project! I have listened to almost every project that has come out with Jon and am glad to hear everything. I'm also excited to see the new projects coming up this year and really would love to be involved in any future concerts, chill sessions, in person experiences etc. .
List of favorite songs (in no order)
Woke the F*ck up
Conversations with my wife
Mahs Joint
Waves of Loneliness
Young gun Feat Jon BellionI love all of them it's just these ones in particular have lyrics that hit chords to me. Thank you for reading and thanks for having me!
SOLID choices, for Jon specific songs, Mahs joint, is always in top 3 for me, and for Jons songs off other joints Young Gun is almost always TOP. Raindance, worship and meant to live are sooooo close though haha
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
YOOO. glad you’re here
beautiful mind