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A Personal Teatament on Jon’s Music
Hey Jon (and everyone else)! Just wanted to share this as a personal testament to Jon’s music healing and saving:
This past week, my family has endured some hardship with my youngest brother, who was admitted to Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. He’s dealt with heart problems since he was born, but it truly came out of no where this past week, and our family has been in a state of free for all. It fell on me, the oldest of four boys, to drive myself and two younger brothers to and from the hospital so that we could visit our parents and youngest brother, currently admitted in long-term stay. In the hour and half to and from the hospital, Jon Batiste’s “World Music Radio,” the Jonas Brothers’ “The Album,” and most importantly, “Glory Sound Prep,” have brought me and my younger brothers together in ways that we’ve never connected before. They don’t EVER listen to the music that I listen to, but now we’re singing back to each other the lines in “Worship,” almost as if to reassure one another. The themes of dementia and caring for your mother in “Mah’s Joint” brought us all to tears on the I-4 express at 11pm, no other cars in sight.
Thank you Jon. In this time of hard for my family, you’re bringing us together. God bless you.
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
damn man, praying for yall man God only gives you what you can handle. Not trying to make it any better but I always use times like this to find thankfulness in God, when something so rough happens in life, its nice to tell myself, wow... God trusts ME to be able to handle this and make it through... like an honor. I know its not a fix all solution, life is hard sometimes, but man how beautiful is God and his plans. Keep your head up brother and always be talking to God, not just in prayer, have that true genuine relationship and he will hold you tight
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I hadn't seen this post until now (thanks to @Zeonder for seeking out the older posts pre- weekend blackout). But I'm so sorry to hear that you all are facing a few mountains. Praying that health and good spirits are nearer than you know. We got you.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP