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Where my FaZe peeps @
@Amariez10585 IYKYK, FaZe tf up haha, was in top 10 subscribed channels on YouTube at one point in the early days of 2012 before YouTube became what it is now. They were huge but no doubt some peeps ain’t gonna know em they old, been seeing A LOT of people say FaZe clan on the early “how’d you find Jon posts”. They irrelevant for the past like 8 years, went through so much BS and all the main ppl left, kinda just a corporate shell now
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@SAM well then u missed out mang on the most golden years of gaming. The last true gaming community, now everybody avoiding public mic chat like the plague, sad to see, one of the main reasons I don’t really game anymore, nobody tryna banter haha. Unless LoL adds mic chat there ain’t any, but LoL dying anyway so w.e haha
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Amariez10585 IYKYK, FaZe tf up haha, was in top 10 subscribed channels on YouTube at one point in the early days of 2012 before YouTube became what it is now. They were huge but no doubt some peeps ain’t gonna know em they old, been seeing A LOT of people say FaZe clan on the early “how’d you find Jon posts”. They irrelevant for the past like 8 years, went through so much BS and all the main ppl left, kinda just a corporate shell now
Found him through FaZe ended up disliking them a lot and been an optic fan since way back when
beautiful mind
@SAM well then u missed out mang on the most golden years of gaming. The last true gaming community, now everybody avoiding public mic chat like the plague, sad to see, one of the main reasons I don’t really game anymore, nobody tryna banter haha. Unless LoL adds mic chat there ain’t any, but LoL dying anyway so w.e haha
@Zeonder seriously! I can't don't play games anymore because I just get cussed out of the lobby. So annoying, and not healthy for anyone's emotional state
"If you have never found so dear or precious to you that you will die for it, then you aren't fit to live"-MLK
Found him through FaZe ended up disliking them a lot and been an optic fan since way back when
@GabbyW0205 no shot you were a optic fan... mannn its crazy seeing where everyones went especially nadeshot owning 100T and so many teams in so many diff esports... blew my mind when nadeshot had a team in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS looool, like my worlds collided
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@GabbyW0205 no shot you were a optic fan... mannn its crazy seeing where everyones went especially nadeshot owning 100T and so many teams in so many diff esports... blew my mind when nadeshot had a team in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS looool, like my worlds collided
@Zeonder i don’t like nadeshot at all. i feel like he was a sell out. i even told him that and he blocked me on twitter years ago lol. i still watch optic
beautiful mind
@Zeonder i don’t like nadeshot at all. i feel like he was a sell out. i even told him that and he blocked me on twitter years ago lol. i still watch optic
@GabbyW0205 damnnnn, i shouldnt say I followed him too closely, just knew the name and was crazy seeing it go all around, my persona fav was always scumpii, ive shown his 1 mill montage to people within the past 2 years thats how much its help up haha, still gives me chills to watch
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
Seen a lot of people saying they found Jon through FaZe curious how much there really be. Also went and dug up some old merch, would love to see some if yall got any, not even just merch, that whole gfuel kontrolfreeks era haha, never had KF, but gfuel was IN my system
. Anyways lmk and share anything you got, love seeing how many of us found Jon through FaZe during those golden BO2 days, and hey if you didnt meet him through Faze lmk where you did find him, I just know there’s a lot of posts for that and so yee.
@Zeonder I first heard Jon on welcome to forever by Logic in middle school and then later on when the lions come when I was listening to old logic mixtapes but it wasn't until I started watching Faze Adapt that they talked about Jon once and decided to listen to his actual music. A couple years after that I slowed down on logic and stopped watching Faze but still listen to Jon all the time and get excited for those new releases
@Zeonder I first heard Jon on welcome to forever by Logic in middle school and then later on when the lions come when I was listening to old logic mixtapes but it wasn't until I started watching Faze Adapt that they talked about Jon once and decided to listen to his actual music. A couple years after that I slowed down on logic and stopped watching Faze but still listen to Jon all the time and get excited for those new releases
@Raul yesss man same, apex was first, then adapt was my main go too, loved that kid and still remember him being recruited to faze on a road to illcams by apex on ghosts, man such memories, sad to see what adapt and the entire org has become but hey wont ever change the core memories we had, still rememebr the day I got into a S&D with apex and will never forget haha, love to see how many people were brought together by that one clan, logic in the early days was also crazy was a big 44 bars fan, also sad to say how much his music lacks a punch when you back and listen to it now
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Raul yesss man same, apex was first, then adapt was my main go too, loved that kid and still remember him being recruited to faze on a road to illcams by apex on ghosts, man such memories, sad to see what adapt and the entire org has become but hey wont ever change the core memories we had, still rememebr the day I got into a S&D with apex and will never forget haha, love to see how many people were brought together by that one clan, logic in the early days was also crazy was a big 44 bars fan, also sad to say how much his music lacks a punch when you back and listen to it now
@Zeonder my go to's were adapt and censor mostly because of the games they played for money, I forgot what the website was called but they used it alot for their qualifying and prize money, what's weird for me is I never liked call of duty like that. If anything just zombies but I was more of a fan of Fifa and smaller indie games.
44 bars was a good one but after the Incredible true story and under pressure albums I stopped, logic didn't grow as much and the substance wasn't there like it use to be on the Young Sintra mixtapes. But that whole Visionary group was really good can't take that away