Discovering you was a life changing experience for me. When I first started writing it was with the goal of getting attention from others as opposed to loving my craft, which put a huge damper on my creativity and enjoyment. I was also selfishly focused on trying to do things myself and gain fame rather than trusting God to put wind under my wings and let me fly the direction He wanted to take me. Discovering you changed all of that. I heard the Human Condition first (which sent me spiraling through your whole discography and other songs you produced for other people years ago) and now 5 years later I'm 23 and couldn't be happier with how I produce and write. Christ lead me to your music because it showed me that faithful people can succeed in this industry. Your interview/podcast with George Janko brought tears to my eyes because seeing you wear your faith on your sleeve proved to me that God put me on to your music for a reason. Thank you for being an amazing role model for me. I might be an engineering student and not a music major, but I am far from down and out when it comes to using the talents God has given me and you reminded me of. I am free.
P.S. These ain't fightin' words but I'm pretty competitive, so I can't wait for you to do more so that I too can soar higher than before.
"You're whole life's in the Hand of God"
I was 12 years old when “pre occupied” came on my Spotify shuffle. I immediately went down the rabbit hole of “the making of” videos on YouTube.
today i am 23 and a billboard charting writer / producer living full time off music.
thank you.
First time listening was on a camping trip and my friend put on THC. I was hooked instantly and couldn't believe that this album itched parts of my brain that haven't ever been itched before, or been itched by anything else other than JB. What a legend creating music like nobody else out there.
Below is just a crazy timeline of a love story that only happened due to a GSP hat:
6/25/2019 - GSP Tour was in Nashville at Ascend Amphitheater. I was in the pit with some friends, and it is still favorite concert of all time. Little did I know in the crowd was someone I hadn't met yet would help make it even more important!
7/12/2019 - I'm at work, and a beautiful young lady walks in, and I notice she has on her GSP hat. It strikes up a conversation. I show her my pictures from the pit on the front row. She shows me a picture with her with Jon. Immediately knew this girl was too cool. Before she left my work, I gave her my business card. She text me after she left, and I ended up asking her on a date.
7/22/2019 - We spent our first date going through almost every single Jon song. Just sitting in the car and listening. It was like hearing all of the songs for the first time again while listening with her. I left and I knew she was the one.
11/30/2019 - We saw Jon live together for our first and only time. We got to see Jon perform a few songs at Live, Laugh, Love Suicide Prevention Awareness concert. It was an amazing night.
6/20/2020 - A day I'll never forget. The day we got engaged. It also involved the whole reason we got together. We got engaged at Ascend where the GSP concert was. I stood in the exact spot that was between where I was and she was for the concert. I had the ring under the GSP hat. That was the first time we had both been back there since that concert almost a year before.
9/5/2021 - A magical wedding and an amazing day that was infused with all sorts on Jon Bellion nuggets.Overall, we've spent the past 5 years together with the BM in our relationship. When we didn't know why Jon stopped, we just thought we were cursed. So we found ways to hear Jon by going to see Lawrence twice and the Jonas Brothers in concert. Hearing the story know makes it worth the wait. It doesn't matter what time or where, when this one massive concert happens, WE WILL BE THERE!
They say we annoying, they just jealous 'cause we got love
I am reading all of these comments and getting so emotional. It is so so fullfilling to see the amazing community youve created, you guys have amazing and touching stories regarding Jons music and I feel so identified with yall, it's amazing man. Tysm for real Jon because this is all on you, your tremendously inspiring music and the amount of passion you show for ir.
In high school I was the only person I knew who listened to you. In my first week or college, I walked into my dorm room and my roommate was listening to you. My first reaction was “are you fucking with me right now?!” And we were immediate best friends. We’ve seen you perform 4 different times together now!
the first time i heard your music i was 11 years old and All Time Low came on the radio. i was instantly hooked and have been a fan ever since. im 19 now, scared as shit, pursuing a career in entertainment, all because your music pushed me to keep going. listening to the human condition for the first time fundamentally changed me, and it's something im forever grateful for. you've been my favorite artist for almost nine years now, and i hope you understand the impact your music has had on people.
yo hurry up bro I been waiting wtf is this this
My now husband shared his love for JB when we first started dating 13 years ago. And in the last 13 years, we’ve gotten to share all things BM with our daughter who is now 15, and all of her friends. Taken her to concerts with us, watched the at home concert, jammed in the living room and jammed even harder on all of our road trips. To be able to share the magic of BM as a family has been such a blessing and we are so grateful for you and everything you’ve done for the industry. Thank you!
Your music made me discover more about myself and understand myself more than I ever could. Everyone always knew me in middle school as the person wearing the beautiful mind sweater that was getting worn out, but I still refused to get rid of it.Then in high school I was the one always wearing the beautiful mind varsity jacket, even in my senior photos. I was quiet, bullied, alone, and always struggled to make friends, but I kept pushing through. Music and family have always been my motivation through life. It helped me find a way to connect with my cousin and sister over music by going to concerts and listening to new albums together. You’ve also helped me learn about other amazing artists that you’ve made music with and/or toured with. I’ve been to every tour you’ve had and each one was life changing. I worked really hard to afford VIP to meet you and enjoy the music I loved with people who felt the same. You were always kind and interacted with the fans in new ways that really made us all seen and on the same level. It seems like no matter what I’m going through, you have a song that can help me get through that rut and motivate me to push towards whatever comes next, hopefully better than where I left off. The people who really listen and feel the music are the ones who can appreciate you the most and thank you for giving that to us! Thank you for being beautifully human and not just another celebrity who acts better than everyone else. You’re truly humble and caring and I’m glad to hear you’re doing what is best for you and taking care of yourself and your family. Sending lots of love, God Bless
Thank you Jon and everyone who is a part of Beautiful Mind
Here since 2015 and have seen you both times in Dublin and still two of my fondest concert memories with friends I still have today. I’ll never forgot the pure deafening roar when you came out on stage in Dublin for the very first time, fucking electric. That feeling at a gig hasn’t hit me since, I’m sure it will when you come back here for the 3rd gig…
I’ll never forget discovering Woke the Fuck Up on a Pandora station. I had never had a single artist where I liked ALL of their content - I had always been a fan of songs here and there but never truly had a no skip album that I loved every song until I listened to…well…all of your EPs and albums that existed at that time.
I’ll also never forget first hearing Superman, the Gift and the Curse in a math lab where I was not allowed to touch my phone but risked it all to save the song and make sure I wouldn’t lose or forget it.
I’m so grateful I discovered your music and I love your passion for music. It is the most special thing I have ever witnessed.
I have been a fan since I was about 13/14 in middle school. i found your music from a outro i think it was old old faze clans. i’ve been a fan ever since. i saw you live at the Loft in Atlanta for the human condition. then in the Coca Cola roxy for part 2. i had tickets for GSP but we ended up being out of state i was so sad. i’ve carried your music with me my whole life now i show everyone i meet your songs. my first ever tattoo at 18 was Beautiful Mind in the same font. i’m now 23 having my first son and man i CANT WAIT for this. he will know all your music and songs man. i hope you see this and i hope you know how much you helped me throughout the years. when i was down i always just played one of your songs. your lyricism and authenticity is something you don’t find anymore nowadays. so i am so ready for a JB come back.
beautiful mind
Every record has been the soundtrack to bus rides to games, first dates, High school dances, to spinning GSP in my dorm room to show new friends, and the first concert with my girlfriend now of 8 years. Very excited for new music to make new memories to.
Watching you create and listening to your music made the COVID lockdown enjoyable for me. You inspired me to a point that you have truly changed the trajectory of my life, Jon. I’m 20 now and I remember being 15 hearing your music and being floored by the way it makes me feel, nothing has made me more passionate and ignited such a fire in my soul for music. You’re the reason I’m in college to be a Music Tech major, the reason I was able to fall in love with producing music, and you have truly changed my life for the better.
Derrian W. Berry