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Tour location
@Whya where did he say this?? His last one show was supposed to be in LA though..
@Whya where did he say this?? His last one show was supposed to be in LA though..
@alltimelowlowlow he's said it in the comments throughout this forum! He's thinking of one massive show! But who knows! I was supposed to be at the LA show too. So sad!
The island is long but life is short in this town
@Whya where did he say this?? His last one show was supposed to be in LA though..
@alltimelowlowlow I was just guessing it would be closer to his home town I didn’t see any location posted just that he was thinking it would be one show
@Nicolev20 no disrespect but if he does San Fran before NYC ima implode
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Nicolev20 no disrespect but if he does San Fran before NYC ima implode
@Nicolev20 aye understandable, I hope the world gets to see him, I know he’s got the fam rn so ain’t doing it, but I think it’d be so dope if once his kid moved out in 20 years, we’re all 40 and he does a world tour
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
@Nicolev20 aye understandable, I hope the world gets to see him, I know he’s got the fam rn so ain’t doing it, but I think it’d be so dope if once his kid moved out in 20 years, we’re all 40 and he does a world tour