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I’m an Orthodox Christian catechumen. I want to see if anyone else who follow’s Jon is Orthodox, and what other’s beliefs are.
Born Catholic, now consider myself nondenominational. Though I'm critical of religion as a whole.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Born Catholic, now consider myself nondenominational. Though I'm critical of religion as a whole.
@OverwhelmMe I agree! Being religious can be a dangerous game to play. I consider myself faithful and spiritual!
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
Christian, I dont do this denomination stuff, there is only TRUTH, and we arent floating on a disc trying to figure it out, its all right there in the Bible if your heart is open to it. I don't mean any disrespect, love everyone as God asks obviously, but Jesus himself despised religion, he isnt a religion he is TRUTH. THE truth, THE light and THE way
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby